Legislation & Regulations

This is the national and regional legislation currently in force:

There are also regulations applicable in natural and municipal areas and specific rules are in effect for beach use.

In recent months, with the implementation of the new legislation, we are experiencing significant improvements in terms of the increasing number of places where dogs are welcome. However, the law has also created a lot of confusion. If you have any doubts, before you set off on your trip, don’t hesitate to contact the municipality you are going to visit!

Do you want to enter a business establishment and you’re not sure if your dog can go in with you? If no information is posted or you don’t see a sign on the door, just ask!

According to the law, the decision to allow dogs on the premises is at the discretion of the owner of the business so it’s always best to ask in each case. It’s also important to specify the size of the dog, its breed, particularly if it belongs to any of the ones classified as potentially dangerous, and the number of dogs that will accompany you.

There may even be places that have never even considered the possibility. But if you ask politely and they see how well-behaved your companion is, they will welcome you with open arms!

If you want to participate in an active leisure activity in the company of your dog, always ask first! We’re sure you’ll find the one that best suits your situation and your tastes.

In Galicia people who are accompanied by their service dogs are allowed to bring them everywhere; they may access all types of establishments and public transport, regardless of whether they are privately or publicly owned. Always have your pet’s documentation with you in case you are asked to show it.

Remember, it’s the job of all of us who live with dogs to pave the way towards their integration. And, to achieve this goal, we must set an example. Every time we enter an establishment with our dog, in the eyes of other people we represent all multi-species families and the way we behave will determine whether others are welcomed or not in the future.

Thanks for helping to make the world a more pet friendly place!